Student Achievement

(In fulfillment of the public data requirement of the WASC Senior College and University Accrediting Commission)
Additional outcome data for the clinical program is available under Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data in the description of the clinical program.

Clinical Psychology (PsyD) Program

Retention and Graduation

Years of first enrollment: 2009-2010 through 2018-2019

Enrollment Status Students of Color White Students Total
N % N % N %
Total students who enrolled in the program 216 - 405 - 621 -
Students who graduated 180 83% 352 87% 532 86%
Students still enrolled 19 9% 24 6% 43 7%
Students no longer enrolled for any reason other than graduation 17 8% 29 7% 46 7%
Enrollment Status Female Male Total
N % N % N %
Total students who enrolled in the program 463 - 158 - 621 -
Students who graduated 401 87% 131 83% 532 86%
Students still enrolled 30 6% 13 8% 43 7%
Students no longer enrolled for any reason other than graduation 32 7% 14 9% 46 7%

Time to Graduation

Graduation years: 2013-2014 through 2022-2023

Outcome Students of Color White Students Total
Total number of graduates 197 399 596
Mean number of years to graduation 5.68 5.72 5.70
Median number of years to graduation 4.98 5.00 5.00
Outcome Female Male Total
Total number of graduates 445 151 596
Mean number of years to graduation 5.66 5.83 5.70
Median number of years to graduation 4.99 5.00 5.00

Counseling Psychology (MA) Program

Retention and Graduation

Years of first enrollment: 2011-2012 through 2020-2021

Enrollment Status Students of Color White Students Total
N % N % N %
Total students who enrolled in the program 164 - 426 - 590 -
Students who graduated 145 88% 393 92% 538 91%
Students still enrolled 1 1% 1 0% 2 0%
Students no longer enrolled for any reason other than graduation 18 11% 32 8% 50 8%
Enrollment Status Female Male Total
N % N % N %
Total students who enrolled in the program 469 - 121 - 590 -
Students who graduated 428 91% 110 91% 538 91%
Students still enrolled 2 0% 0 0% 2 0%
Students no longer enrolled for any reason other than graduation 39 8% 11 9% 50 8%

Time to Graduation

Graduation years: 2013-2014 through 2022-2023

Outcome Students of Color White Students Total
Total number of graduates 165 412 577
Mean number of years to graduation 2.16 2.21 2.20
Median number of years to graduation 2.03 2.03 2.03
Outcome Female Male Total
Total number of graduates 461 116 577
Mean number of years to graduation 2.20 2.20 2.20
Median number of years to graduation 2.03 2.03 2.03

Note: Students who did not provide their ethnicity are excluded from the data.

Page last updated: May 9, 2024